CS3300: Object-Oriented
Programming and Concepts (3-3-0)
Summer III 2012
CRN: 40253 Classroom: N619 Class
Times: 2:45pm – 4:45pm MTWR
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CS 2310
Catalog Description: Provides practical guidance on the
construction of object-oriented systems. The Unified Modeling Language(UML) is used for implementation. Key concepts of
object-Oriented Programming methodology as discussed.
Textbook: D.S. Malik, Java™ Programming:
From Problem Analysis to Program Design (Paperback), 4th Edition, Cengage Learning, ISBN
Instructor: Dr. Hong Lin
Office: S-717
Office Hours: 1:00pm – 2:30pm MTWR
Campus Phone: (713) 221 2781
Web Site: http://cms.dt.uh.edu/faculty/linh/courses/CS3300
Course Objectives
This course is intended to
give students a solid foundation in programming with Java, using the Sun JDK
(v.1.5) platform. The course emphasizes the natural advantages of the
object-oriented Java programming language. Students will learn to write complete
programming examples, containing the accurate stages of Input, Output, Problem
Analysis and Algorithm Design, and a Complete Program Listing. Specific topic coverage includes: An Overview of Computers and Programming
Languages; Basic Elements of Java; Introduction to Objects and Input/Output;
Control Structures I (Selection); Control Structures II (Repetition); Graphical
User Interface (GUI) and Object-Oriented Design (OOD); User-Defined Functions;
User-Defined Classes and ADT; Arrays; Applications of Arrays, the Class Vector
and Strings; Inheritance and Composition; Exception and Event Handling;
Advanced GUI and Graphics; Recursion.
Supplementary information for
the course is available at URL. The
Web site contains class notes, PowerPoint slides, class announcements, the
course syllabus, test dates, and other information for the course.
Grading and Evaluation Criteria
Course grades will be
determined as follows:
Assignment |
Weight |
Midterm Exam |
25 % |
Two Programming
Assignments |
20 % |
Final Exam (Comprehensive) |
35 % |
Labs & Quizzes |
20 % |
Total |
100% |
Make-up exam late assignments: Homework/programming assignments are to be completed
and turned in by the due date at the beginning of class. Late assignment
will not be accepted. There are no makeup exams. If the final exam grade is
higher than that of the midterm exam, it replaces the grade of the midterm
exam. If you miss the midterm exam, your grade of the final exam will be
counted twice. All missed grades will be recorded as zeros.
Academic Dishonesty: For this class, all work must be done
individually -- no group work is allowed. You are encouraged to generally
discuss assignments with fellow students, but may not copy their solution or
code. Doing so constitutes academic dishonesty which will be sanctioned with a
grade of F, and possibly further disciplinary actions by the University.
Statement on reasonable accommodations: UHD adheres to all applicable federal, state, and
local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable
accommodations for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities
should be notified to register with Disabled Student Services and
contact the instructor in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate
Course Schedule
This is the tentative course
schedule. It will be updated during the proceeding of
the course. You should check it regularly for the assignment due dates and exam
dates. Although it will be updated in the best effort, any conflicts should be
resolved according to the announcements made in the class.
Week\Day |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
1 |
7/9 Lab: P25 – 10, 11 Lab: P109 - 9 |
7/10 1st
Project: p163 - 6 |
7/11 |
7/12 Lab p350 - 5 |
2 |
7/16 Lab p350 - 9 |
7/17 Lab: Question 2.1 on the
Handout |
7/18 Lab p418 - 1 & 2 |
7/19 Lab p418 - 1 & 2 |
3 |
7/23 Review for Midterm 1st Project Due 2nd
Project: p421 - 16 |
7/24 Midterm Exam |
7/25 Lab p505 - 1 |
7/26 Lab p586 - 2 |
4 |
7/30 Lab p668 - 1 |
7/31 Lab p731 - 1 |
8/1 Lab p818 - 1 |
8/2 Lab p850 – 1-3
Combine 3 methods in one program |
5 |
8/6 Lab p889 – 8 |
8/7 Lab p889 – 8 |
8/8 Review for Final Exam 2nd
Project Due |
8/9 Final Exam |