// CS2310 Chapter 12 Excise 4 // // Name _______________________ SSN ________________________ // // This is an exercise that asks the students to write a // complete C++ program (It is not hard though!). Therefore, // make sure you have everything that is necessary to make // a whole program. This includes #include directives, // namespace declaration, main function, etc. // // Write a declaration of a named array type, and then // declare two arrays of that type. The array type should // be called "DataSet", and the two two arrays should be called // "input" and "output". Each array should hold five float values. // Array "input" should be initialized in the declaration to // contain 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0. Array "output" should be // initialized by a For-loop to contain 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, and 10.0 // (think about how to do that!). // // Write another For-loop that adds corresponding elements of two // arrays and prints out the result. // // You decide where to put declarations. The resulting program // must be running. // // Start ...