// CS2310 Project 2 Implementation file

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "Proj2_prototype.h"

void SortedStuRecords::InsertRecord(stuRecord& newRecord) {
    // Precondition:
    //   A new student record is passed in by newRecord. The student
    //	 records in the list are sorted in alphabetical order by 
    //	 last names.
    // Postcondition:
    //   The new record is inserted into the list at the proper 
	//	 position. The resulting list is still ordered. length
    //   variable is incremented.

// Write your implementation here.

void SortedStuRecords::CalLetGrade() {
    // Postcondition:
    //   Go through the array, calculate the letter grade for each student
    //   by averaging the three numerical grades.

// Write your implementation here.

void SortedStuRecords::PrintByGrades() const {
    // Postcondition:
    //   Print out student records by the letter grades, with the records
    //   of 'A' first, 'B' the second, ..., 'F' the last.

// Write your implementation here.

void SortedStuRecords::PrintByRanks() const {
	// Postcondition:
    //   Print out student records by the ranks, with the records
    //   of 'Freshmen' first, 'sophomore' the second, 'junior' the
	//   third, and 'senior' the last.

// Write your implementation here.

SortedStuRecords::SortedStuRecords() {
    // Default constructor: Zero the length of the array.
  length = 0;

int main() {

  stuRecord recordTemp;

  // Step 1. Open the input file and read in student records
  //         one by one, using recordTemp as the container. 
  //         After reading one record, call member function
  //         InsertRecord to insert the record into the array.
  //         So, you may use a loop like this:
  //            for (i=0; i<numStudents; i++) {
  //              read a student record;
  //              InsertRecord(recordTemp);
  //            }

  // Step 2. Average student numerical grades and give the 
  //         letter grades. You can do this by calling 
  //         member function CalLetGrade.

  // Step 3. Print out student record in the order of letter
  //         grades. You can do this by calling PrintByGrades.

  // Step 4. Print out student record in the order of ranks.
  //         You can do this by calling PrintByRanks.