Name                                                                                      Section_________


Math Web Guide                                                                    Dr. Leveille


            In order to facilitate your future web searches, follow with these directions. You need to complete all the following searches.


1. Go to     http://cms.dt.uh.edu/faculty/DelavinaE/Edgrid_UHD_MathConcepts/index.html


What Teachers Know


            click on                                                    and read the page


            click on                                                    and read the page

What Teachers Can  Do




            Write the new address (The new one is different and might be located at the bottom instead of the top.):


            Write a short description of what is on that page.






2. Go to http://www.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter111/index.html to find the current TACS. Click on the PDF file for Subchapter A. Elementary, Subchapter B. Middle School, or Subchapter C. High School. When you have found the document containing the current TACS at your chosen grade level, write the address


            Write a short description of what is on those pages.






3. Go to http://www.google.com



            Write a short description of what is on that page.




            A) Write the address for The Math Forum Home Page


            Write a short description of what is on that page.





            B) Write the address for Ask Dr. Math



            Write a short description of what is on that page (different from your answer in part A).










            Write a short description of what is on that page.


4. Go to http://texes.ets.org/texes/prepMaterials/

scroll down, click on 101 Generalist EC-4. Write the address




Do all the mathematics problems. Be sure to show the work necessary to answer each question. Your work should convince me, or one of your future students, that you know how to do similar problems.

For # 101: look on pp62-67 (printable pp. 66-71).